Sunday, September 12, 2010

Week 8 Part 2 - Ben Goodvach-Draffin

UDK Engine

Irrelevant Modding has recently ported their game Bungle in the Jungle from the Unreal 3 Engine to the Unreal Development Kit. The purpose of this is for distribution. Using the Unreal Engine 3 we would be required to fully license the engine which costs somewhere around the $750 000 mark.

The UDK however is Epics way of allowing independent developers to release software at an affordable rate. The UDK is completely free platform to develop or teach on. Once a company or group wish to distribute their game they pay a once off US $99 license fee and are then allowed to distribute how they wish.

“…license terms for this arrangement are US $99 (Ninety Nine US Dollars) up-front”

Once they start selling the group is allowed to keep its first $5000 revenue, that is any money received after sales/publishing costs are removed. After the $5000 mark is reached, Epic is then entitled to 25% of all revenue.

“…0% royalty on you or your company's first $5,000 (US) in UDK related revenue, and a 25% royalty on UDK related revenue above $5,000 (US).”

So if a company sold their product through Steam for $10 a piece and Steam took 30% then after the first $5000, Epic would take 25% off the $7 remaining of each subsequent sale.

Ben Goodvach-Draffin

Week 8

Anthony Borell
Will Owen
Ben Goodvach - Draffin

Week 8

1. Stuff we Own

Material Expressions
Environmental Assets
All Textures
All Statics
All Skeletal Meshes
All BJ Script Classes
All Voice
Non UT Animations
All 2D art

2. Floss

3. Non - Floss

UT Skeletons
UT Animations
Certain UT Materials
UT Engine
Sound Effects